Headshot: MaryAnne Hanlon

MaryAnne Hanlon Newman

First and foremost, I am a uniquely useful problem solver.

Armed with an abundance of cross-functional skills, I am always mindful that the components of design and planning are not individual practices, but interlocking ones. Creative Direction is inseparable from Project Management, Brand Development is tied directly to Event Planning and Spatial Design. Finally, Community Building, the effort to improve human relationships and understanding, is the ultimate goal of any project.

The first step is always the drive to understand a client’s vision and needs, not to present my own. Mature in the design space, I value timeliness, direct communication, tight visual presentations, as well as the occasional face-to-face meeting as primary tools for developing exceptional solutions.

Over the years, I have been fortunate to collaborate with outstanding clients on numerous projects and have been a contributing member of many successful teams. I am grateful for these opportunities and look forward to applying my cultivated skill set to future ventures.

I am currently seeking new opportunities.

Let’s Get Started

Seasoned professional looking for new opportunities.